Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yahoo Messenger PES 2009

I am sure that many are playing with hamachi and read this. PES 2009 Hamachi Room List.

I would like to make a list here same as hamachi list, with yahoo, msn, etc IDs of people who like to talk each other, add to contacts and ask to play ?
Use yahoo or better, Digsby, you can have multiple IDs on one computer; make a fresh yahoo account or msn just for PES :)

Remember, Comments are moderated, and no double posts!

List Hamachi Players:


List PES Original Players:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

original PES2009

1. ID supadepo , MSN = supa_depo@hotmail.com . xfire = supadepo
2. ID Heizad, YM = hoshi_hanz7@yahoo.com xfire = shabs
3. ID Prash MSN = pr8ash@hotmail.com , xfire = pr8sh
4. ID Nakata101 = nakata101@hotmail.com, xfire = nakatathegod
5. ID - asaphwa84 , Xfire - asaphwa
6. ID jhiere , xfire = jhiere
7. ID xfire=alygee , msn=fadly83@hotmail.com
8. ID xfire=mrduck84, msn=ericshwa@hotmail.com
9. ID xfire id devilish306, msn id devils.art85@hotmail.com
10.ID OleGeezah, YM = mdzaboy@yahoo.com , xFire = mdzaboy
11.ID xfire = asap-1984 , msn = caloshwa@hotmail.com
12.ID xfire = xen086, YM xen0_86@yahoo.com
13. ID xfire = jackymavis