Put it in the SHARE Folder of your extracted Savefile on the SD-Card.
It will be the only PreRelease of my Optionsfile before it gets Final or i stop working on it.
PES2009 Savefile is copyprotected, you need Savegame extractor and savegame installer.
And then you must replace my file with yours in the SHARE Folder.
Contains (Ingame Editing):
Badges: Arsenal, Aston Villa, Blackburn Rov., Bolton, Tottenham, Chelsea, Man C., Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Portsmouth, Fulham, Betis Sevilla, Valencia, Bayern M., German Nationalteam
Logos: Adidas, Nike, Umbro, Puma, Kappa, Le Coq Sportif, Errea
Sponsors: Fly Emirates and some other Sponsorparts
Kits: Bayern M., Germany, Arsenal, Aston Villa, Blackburn, Chelsea, Man C., Fulham, Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Valencia
Teams: Bayern Munich (missing 2-3 players).
Corrected Names: Germany, Classic Germany, Shop Players (no Shop on Wii, they are allready free) an the English Premier League Teamnames.
Relinked Faces: Germany, Shop Players

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