New in v.3:
- Added Badges: Everton, Hull City, Stoke City, Sunderland, West Bromwich
- Added Kits: Tottenham, Sunderland, West Bromwich, Hull City, Wigan Athl., Stoke City
- Added Logos: Champion
- Added Sponsors: Boylesports, JJB Sport
- Added Kits: Everton, Bolton, Portsmouth, West Ham
- Added Logos: Reebok, Canterbury
- Added Sponsors: Chang
- Badges:Arsenal, Aston Villa, Blackburn Rov., Bolton, Tottenham, Chelsea, Man C., Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Portsmouth, Fulham, Betis Sevilla, Valencia, Bayern M., German Nationalteam
- Logos: Adidas, Nike, Umbro, Puma, Kappa, Le Coq Sportif, Errea
- Sponsors: Fly Emirates and some other Sponsorparts
- Kits: Bayern M., Germany, Arsenal, Aston Villa, Blackburn, Chelsea, Man C., Fulham, Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Valencia
- Teams: Bayern Munich (missing 2-3 players).
- Corrected Names: Germany, Classic Germany, Shop Players (no Shop on Wii, they are allready free) an the English Premier League Teamnames.
- Relinked Faces: Germany, Shop Players
- Extract your Savefile with the "Savegame-Extractor" Tool onto your SD-Card.
- It will extract a Folder "WIISAVES\R2WP" (PAL) or "WIISAVES\R2WE" (US-NTSC).
- Put my File "EDIT" in the ".\SHARE" Folder (it doesn't overwrite your Userprofile, Userstatistics or League, CL, CUP Savegames).
- Install the Savefile on the SD-Card back to your Wii, with the "Savegame-Installer" Tool (It will overwrite your old Savefile automatically).
- Google the Tools you need and you will find out how to use the Tools and get them to work.

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