Friday, January 23, 2009

PES 2010 news and demo

PES 2010 (Pro Evolution Soccer - Winning Eleven (WE)

- How do you think that PES 2010 will be ?
- What to improve ?
- What to remove ?

- PES will die ?

Last year Konami anounced PES 2009 soon after  PES 2008, why this year we have no news ?


Anonymous said...

coon chamuios elegantes, le pinto el mundo al reves

Anonymous said...

PES2010 should be made as a donation ware!

I don't want to pay any more for a shit game that I don't touch it nearly.

Anonymous said...

Ok PES 2009 is a better game than its predecessor but I have a very big gripe with these new version 07-09
When playing a league Y is it you cannot chance Cpu control to human like you could in the older games ??

This for me has ruined the multiplayer aspect other than online lag.....pffff Konami LISTEN!! put this feature back in the new version or you can kiss goodbye to me buying the new version and I wouldnt of thought I was the only 1

admin said...

i am not buying pes 2010 ! online sucks!!! mostly because of the italian players who has lagggiiiing like $h!t !!!

Anonymous said...

Well I think I'm buying PES 2010 if we have something new when comparing to PES 2009...but please, remove online feature, I don't even use it!! If we have nothing new in PES 2010 then I'm staying with PES 2009 and with all the good patches that appear in this site.

Anonymous said...

i wanna PES 2010 will have national team in South East Asian like Vietnam , Indonesia , Singapore.... And will have "AFF cup" .

Anonymous said...

5 Things PES KONAMI need to bring :

1. Improving PES-Online Play , registration and stability.
2. More Team , Leagues , details in each Masterleagues , Cup and exbixition.
3. improve extra action such as manager control players and players practice before changing players cam.
4. Champion League in MASTER LEAGUES , improve be a legend mode.
5. Overall . More updates with roster , players and improve every aspect of the game . Example : Fans,stadium,flags , highlight video improve is a MUST-HAVE , GOAL-CELEBRATION WITH FANS AND PLAYErs,


Anonymous said...

they should improve everything, pes 2009 really SUCKS.. licenses, practise, gameplay, physics, animations, GOALKEEPES, and evrrything else... PLEASE konami make good game for this year..

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Improve the goalkeepers skills, they are horrible in 2009! Way too easy to score. Also there are many things to improve in the overall gaming experience such as the passing, movement of the players without ball etc.

I'm definately gonna buy it tho. Hope they have fixed things from 2k9.

Anonymous said...

hey konami ppl i want malta with the european countries

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

pes 2010, please update indonesian team !!!!!!!!!

Gojko3 said...

first 10 times playing,look like shit.
now that is totaly different is fantastic

Unknown said...


Saqib said...

its improve to realness all realness of crowd all license teams rel faces everything real like fifa . i know pes is more than really good then fifa pes imrove to its commentry.. chants etc etc.. n sorry 4 my english im from pakistan and its really famous in pakistan.. i think konami sholuld be held some competetion of this game in karachi pakistan.. again sorry 4 my english

reza said...

there isn't international league in PES 2010

Unknown said...
