Saturday, January 24, 2009

PES 2009 pro-evo Connector v1.0 by djbarca

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Connector is a program, which makes playing of Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 better and it contains tools needed to play that game.

TUTORIAL How to play by Connector 2009:

1. From menu of Pro-Evo Connector click on the link to download Hamachi (unless you have this program on your PC).

2. After installing Hamachi, you have to connect to Hamachi's web both players and then you need to install pes09 certyficate. To do this, choose "Install Certyficates" from the menu of P-E Connector. It will opens a folder with screens of how to add a certyficate, in that folder you can find the certificate needed to import too.

3. If you have finished adding certificate , then choose "Run Connector" from the menu of P-E Connector it will opens white window with some options.

4. Configuration for HOST (host of the match):

1. In the window you have to write: "1" and press ENTER.
2. Then write your IP from Hamachi.
3. Start the game.
4. Click on network, accept the license, log on (GAME ID and GAME ID, Password depends on you). Click "login", if you are logged on , go to lobby, from menu on the left choose "Create a Match room", press ENTER and wait for your opponent.

5. 4. Configuration for CLIENT (your opponent):

1. In the window you have to write: "2" and press ENTER.
2. Then write HOST's IP from Hamachi.
2. Write your IP from Hamachi.
3. Start the game.
4. Click on network, accept the license, log on (GAME ID and GAME ID, Password depends on you). Click "login", if you are logged on , go to lobby, from menu on the left choose "Search for a Match room", then choose "Friendly Match" and press ENTER.

5. We can play now!
Image and video hosting by TinyPicMirrorImage and video hosting by TinyPic

... there is an alert, False allarm maybe or do not trust it. Info here.


Anonymous said...

when i try to run "pes2009_connector.exe" it says access denied.. :\

Anonymous said...

i got that too...
any advice please ??

Anonymous said...

yeah,, it's not denied anymore,, i'm waiting 4 a few minutes & it's not denied again ^^

djbarca said...

Hello everyone! In a few days i will try to repair a problemwith satality virus, i donk have on my pc any antivirus maybe that was a trouble..

All its working properly at this time, maybe You type me what You would see in the new version of connector?

Unknown said...

please help
i always get this error when i press login button: an error occurred during verification.
1. i install pes09
2. i install patch 1.2 and then use crack 1.2
3. i install pes certificate

but i always get same error and i dont know what to do, please help
i have cable modem, so all ports are open

djbarca said...

U must close all the internet connections tools in "Control Panel - Internet Connections - click the right mouse button and choose close or something like this"

Screen from my Control Panel, in PL language ;)

;) It will repair your problem ;)

Unknown said...

hey thax man.

no my problem is that i can enter the game as a host, creat room server but other player cant join me. and if he try to be a host and i a client a get error message

please help

Unknown said...

not no but now.sorry

Anonymous said...

So you basically stole GoalServer2009 and used our software to make a ripped version, you didn't even code anything yourself, you only took the tools we made and created a GUI. You didn't even credit us for our work. What does that mean?

ConexãoDoPontal said...


Anonymous said...

Do I need to update my PES 2009 to version 1.2 or if the host and client have the same version work as well?

Anonymous said...

use version 1.1 here on pes-patch