Monday, February 2, 2009

New UltraPlayable Option File for PES2009 (for GA Community Patch v. 2.6) by ZhekoN (EGOeast)

Let me introduce you an option file for a GA Community Patch, which on my opinion is very interesting,.
Following option is developed for 10-15 minutes match-time. It combines both realism and playability. I recommend trying it at least to determine which gameplay do you prefer: default or more playable and realistic.

This is a release version, and only slight corrections are possible in future, in case bugs will be discovered.

Features included:
- body tackling now looks more realistic;
- tackling plastics are more realistic (leg is exposed, but run-over bug is not 100% corrected);
- ball is not tied to the leg (it concerns real ball behavior while sprinting, vectors while turning, and certain accidents in hits, pass height; plus because of that ball is not flying low, but normally jumps on the field);
- easier to hit through the GK, if he skips the corner;
- increased number of falls(without 11-meters penalty) (I tried to reduce auto tackles);
- defenders behave adequate to their positions, they not always run to the middle filed, provoking a counter-attack;
- pass speed and accuracy are lower;
- hit strength is lower due to lower agility in order to help GK;
- manipulations with some skills give an opportunity for a good pass-maker to give a nice pass-through, which was not allowed in a top-level before;
- considerably lowered the bug with a ricochet from GK;
- the diversity of goals and game moments is now wider, which is very important. Goals, dangerous situations in the penalty area, ricochets, etc are now more different;
- GK jumps are more realistic; bug with GK running out in the field is minimized. 

I expect your feedback.
Sorry for my language

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i cant dl from the mirror above...can leave other mirror here