Monday, February 2, 2009

FAQ for goalserver2009 by masterz

This is errors you can see if you don't follow tutorial:

1-Udp error:
If you have this error:

It's because you haven't open and forward ports in your router

You do open this ports and forward on computer local ip who run pes2009

UDP: 5730 and 5739
TCP: 20010, 20020, 20030 i 20085

For know how open just see in this url and search your router:

2-Password error on login:

If you have this error that's because you don't install Pes09.crt.
Please install certificate before launch pes2009.

3-An error occured during verification:
If you have this error:

There are 3 ways:
1- You haven't open ports in your modem router (see chapter1 from faq)
2- Your friend haven't open ports in modem/router (see chapter1 from faq)
3- Your friend wan ip it doesn't reply from ping

Try to ping your friend wan ip and if no reply, your friend need setup in his router a function call
"reply ping" or "allow echo icmp"


PS:I will add others errors if that's need


Anonymous said...

I have 1 question only.
Does this work with a non original game?

Anonymous said...

Hello guys.
I woud really appreciate if someone tell me if this work with a non orriginal game.(or if any of all these methods works)
I have the v1.2 konami patch (cracked).
Thank u anyway.

Unknown said...

yeah it works with a non original game 100%...

Unknown said...

hey guys im gettin a error after loggin on sayin that A ERROR IN VERIFICATION ...what should i do..!!!...ill be awesome if someone helps me...!!..i ahve installed the certificate too...!!!