-more than 200 new face
-122 high quality boots
-new 08/09 kits
-latest transfers (Mineiro, Hertha--->Chelsea)
-little OF update
-New gameplay by eZo - Much more realistic speed, better keepers etc.
Download Link:
New download links:
Suggested settings:
-In the kitserver/config.txt write over the:
random.enabled = 0
random.enabled = 1
-Settings or System Settings/Colour Adjustments (in the game):
R +1
G +2
B +3
Brightness +3
-Copy the bins from cv_0.img and rv_e.img folder to your kitserver/img/cv_0.img and rv_e.img folder!
-Delete the boots, faces, uni folders from your kitserver/GDB folder, after copy the boots, faces, uni folders (from the Update v1.0) into your kitserver/GDB folder!
-In the "Bonus" folder you can find PS3 and Xbox360 controllers if you want to change the old controller, you simply copy the bins from the cv_0.img folder to your kitserver/img/cv_0.img folder.
-Finally copy the PES2008_EDIT01 from the "Save" (base gameplay) or from the "New Gameplay by eZo" folder to your "My Documents/KONAMI/Pro Evolution Soccer 2008/save" folder! Load the option file in the game (EDIT/LOAD)!
Hawke, Kovacevic, Miguelstyle, jvinu2000, VinVanDam13, numb3rs, mstar, bigboss, Pryxko 13, ~~Reixx, SiRRi, QINCHAO's, Paul81118, [4D]Nossy, Agiga, Gabriro, aGonn-KS, sheridans, Tua, Zheks, Rozan82, Sergio_LP, Andrews, seujair, BECKS23LA, Anegor, Tao, xCheWX, Daywalker_1904, Pro, Scatman, BJ, LUCE.ALEX, Owen10, PSVFan, Sektor G, Cerberus, lidan80 etc
Other Mirrors:
excellent patch, although I get a crash when you choose to play a cup (with groupround). The first match after proceeding to the next match always crashed.
If somebody knows how to fix it?
where i can download it for pes 2008 v1.2 (not patched)? please sent me an email to facebook (deeq97@yahoo.com)
thanks. . .
where i can download it for pes 2008 v1.2 (not patched)? please sent me a email to facebook (deeq97@yahoo.com)
thanks. . .
where are the kitserver/gdb folder located on the computer? pls mail the answer at (vps161@yahoo.co.in)
Nice patch by the way...
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