Sunday, October 26, 2008

PES 2008 E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. Patch II

The work on the E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. Patch II is completed, and you'll eventually have the enjoyment to play the patch.
It has been a difficult and long job, and in spite of some setbacks, we always kept our goal in view and never strayed. As is generally known, a lot of roads lead to Rome, or to the E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. Patch, respectively.

The patch comes with the following improvements:
  • Completely new over-worked Optionfile with all transfers and new teams. About 90% of the stats revised
  • 100% original Teams
  • 100% original Names
  • 100% original Kits
  • complete Bundesliga (German League)
  • correct League and Cup names
  • correct Stadium names
  • new Soundtrack
  • new chants for many Teams
  • Teams without own unique chants have adequate generic chants
  • new Callnames
  • new Balls
  • up-to-date Bootpack
  • new Faces for many Superstars
  • new Menus
  • misc. new graphics (countries, positions icons etc.)
  • fan reactions (German Version only)
  • fan banners

OF / Player Attributes

We did our best to give you a complete OF with accurate player attributes. However, we of course cannot guarantee flawlessness. Respecting player attributes, opinions sometimes even differ widely. This said, there are two possibilites for you to cope with "false" player attributes, 1. you can better them on your own, 2. you refrain from using the OF, or the patch itself, respectively.

Teams included in the patch

  • Premier League
  • Ligue 1
  • Serie A
  • Primera Division
  • Bundesliga

  • Others A / B:
    Slavia Prag
    Club Brugge
    Dinamo Zagreb
    Steaua Bukarest
    AEK Athens
    Wisła Kraków
    Sporting Lisbon
    Spartak Moscow
    Zenit St. Petersburg
    Red Star Belgrade
    AIK Solna

    CSKA Moskau
    Shakhtor Donezk
    Dynamo Kiev
    River Plate
    Sao Paulo
    Boca Juniors
    LA Galaxy

  • Others C:
For the great teamwork - a big thanks to the creators of the patch:

Bavaria_Zürich, Blue Stinger, DonCerveza, Fastdog, Fl@schb@ck, Fox, jedi_pereira, kyuss1, Lo$tY, PaulDiddy, Rechi, r!, Tommsen

Sincere thanks are given also to:

222, bstd, FCH, g@l@g@n, Hecke, Juce, LordMephisto, ninuzzu, Red_Phoenix, Roamer und "Friends", Robbie, TIFFOSI, $corp, sYn, allen Patchteams und Patchern, die uns dabei behilflich waren und PES 2008 verbessert haben.


For Updates Go to comments...


Anonymous said...

Update v1 for EVOLUTION PATCH II by Evo-Patch Team


* new stadium names
* fixed some stats
* fixed Caio and Fenin ML Bug
* fixed ML Young Bug for some players
* updated some squads and lineups
* updated some national teams for Euro 2008
* created some players, e.g. Balotelli (Inter) or Siem de Jong (Ajax)
* updated Eredivisie and "others", including the russian new season transfers
* fixed some minor bugs

STADIUMPACK: ( please unpack with winuha)

TEAM EMBLEMS update for evo patch 2 (for scoreboard with teamnames users only):

German commentary:

Other commentary:
Mirror 1:
Mirror 2:

Anonymous said...

The basic precondition for the installation of the E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N Patch II is a PC containing the original PES 2008 together with the Update 1.20 by Konami.

At first, you need to delete the files 'pdata.img' and 'pinfo.img' inside the IMG-Folder in *your partition*:\Programs\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2008\img
Both files were installed additionally by Konami's 1.20 Update.

E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N Patch II installation guidelines

Variant Kitserver Installation

1. Download kitserver+GDB+afs2fs and extract the Folder "kitserver" to the PES2008 Installdirection start the setup.exe.

2. Copy the Folders to "X:\Program(s)/(me)\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2008\kitserver\img" Example: cs.img to the Folder cs.img, same with cv_1 to cv_1.img and so on...

3. Copy all files inside the OF-Folder to: "*your partition*:\My Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2008\save\". Possibly you will need to 'Load' the new OF in PES2008 again. (PES2008 Ingame-Menu --> System-Configuration --> System-Data --> load System-Data --> Confirm)

Variant AFS Explorer Installation

1) Copy all files inside the OF-Folder to: "*your partition*:\My Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2008\save\". Possibly you will need to 'Load' the new OF in PES2008 again. (PES2008 Ingame-Menu --> System-Configuration --> System-Data --> load System-Data --> Confirm)

2) Install the AFS Explorer, i.e. unpack the file AFS_Explorer_3.7.rar into any folder

3) Start the AFS Explorer and click on 'file' in the top left, after that select 'Import AFS file...'

4) In the newly opened Window choose the Data-Type 'All files (*.*)' and then open the IMG-Folder inside the directory: *your partition*:\Programs\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2008\img

5) Select the file 'cv_0.img' and open it

6) Possibly you will get the warning message 'Missing descriptors information...', simply click on 'No' and after that on 'OK', the file will load now.

7) Now you need to import the Patch files. Just click on 'Action' in the top left, then on 'Import folder...' You will select the Folder (cv_0), which you created on your hard disc by unpacking the patch.

8) Again, possibly a warning message will appear: 'Do you want to rebuild the AFS File?'. This time click on 'Yes' and you will be prompted to choose a name for the new 'rebuilded' file. Select the Data-Type 'All files (*.*)' and again the different .img files will appear. Type 'cv_0_patch.img' as the file name and click on 'save'. Make sure you have enough free disc space, at least 2 GB. This operation takes some time now, because cv_0.img is the biggest file.

Attention!: Some people make a mistake by giving the new file a wrong name, because Windows disables the file extension by default. Possibly the file is named cv_0.img.img <- the second .img ending is not visible then. "Hide extension for known file types" should be disabled. This option is located in Windows XP inside the File Explorer under Tools->Folder Options->View, uncheck it.

9) After a while the message 'AFS regenerated successfully!' appears. Click 'OK' and the files will be inserted. This will take a moment again.

10) Again a message will appear now: 'A new ASF file has been created do you want to load the new ASF file?' Select 'No'. You can close the AFS explorer now.

11) Now open your IMG-Folder in '*your partition*:\Programs\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2008\img'. You can delete your old 'cv_0.img' (you still have the original img as a backup on your PES 2008 DVD). Search for your newly created 'cv_0_patch.img' and rename it to 'cv_0.img' (standard naming), so the game will detect it. You replaced the old file now and succesfully installed the cv_0 files.

12) You still have the files 'rv_g', 'cv_1' and for example 'rs_g'. For all of these files you will have to repeat step 3) to 11), of course with a slight difference in the naming of those files. Instead of 'cv_0.img' you will use for example 'rv_g_patch.img', which will turn into 'rv_g.img' and so on.

Don't get confused if no warning messages appear. Some files will not need rebuilding.

13) You repeated the steps 3 - 11 for all Patch files now. Congratulations, you finished the Patch installation. For some of you it was a tough fight through the data jungle. If you did everything right, you will be able to enjoy the E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. Patch II now.

We would have gladly provided a Setup.exe for the Patch. Unfortunately, after some attempts we noticed it won't be possible to include Commandlines via the AFS Explorer. Thus we would have had to take the complete IMG files, which would have made the Setup.exe size grow to more than 5GB!!! We could not do this to you guys, cause some of you aren't that fast in the Internet...